The Flamingo Kid

Of all the young stars who rose to prominence in the 80’s, I often felt that Matt Dillon was maybe born in the wrong time. Perhaps its because of the roles he often played. I never think of him as an 80’s Brat Pack type star like a Rob Lowe or Judd Nelson, probably because... Continue Reading →

Thief of Hearts

In 1984 the producing team of Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer were hitting it big. They ended up scoring the biggest hit of the year with Beverly Hills Cop. The year before they had a major success with Flashdance, and now Top Gun was on the horizon. However, they did have one other film released... Continue Reading →

1984-a-thon Final Day

Well, all good things must come to an end. Here is the final batch of reviews from the 1984-a-thon. I want to thank all the great bloggers and podcasters who participated for making this event such a big success. You all rock! - The Dew Over podcast looks at all five of 1984's Best Picture... Continue Reading →

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